velocity potential
- 速度势;流速势

Numerical Calculation of Velocity Potential and Fluid Dynamic in Time domain
Application of the Velocity Potential Model to Penetration Study
One obstacles avoidance method by velocity potential field
The accurate velocity potential equation is chosen as a mathematical model of the problem .
Fluid velocity potential and simplified model for unanchored liquid storage tank
An AUV Obstacle-Avoidance Method Based on Three-dimensional Velocity Potential Field
An Accurate Solution Method of Stream Function and Velocity Potential from the Wind Field in a Limited Area
Using the perturbation method we have got the fourth order of approximation of the velocity potential to the problem .
Based on R. The total velocity potential Φ is divided into two parts , the double-model potential (?)
Induced Velocity Potential of an Arbitrary Horseshoe Vortex in the Uniform Flowfield with Free Surface
A local obstacle avoidance approach for AUV based on velocity potential field is presented with the idea of potential methods .
This paper has adopted the low-order surface panel method based on velocity potential to predict the unsteady performance of propeller .
The basic fuc-tion is the velocity potential .
We first calculate the velocity potential between two adjacent time-steps and obtain the inertia force and added mass through integration .
The Application of Transonic Velocity Potential Equation with Higher Order Approximation for Computing the Pressure Distribution over the Blunt Leading-edge Airfoil
Complex Numbers Finally , we give as an example the calculation of complex velocity potential for a twisted duct with square cross-section .
The hydrodynamic performance of propeller-rudder and rudder ball system was calculated by using the surface panel method theory which is based on velocity potential .
On the Velocity Potential Due to Pulsating Pressure Distribution on the Free Surface of Infinite-Depth Waters and the Radiation Condition for the Second-Order Diffraction Problem
As a result , the velocity potential can be introduced , which satisfies the Laplace equation when the compressibility of the liquid is ignored .
For subsonic aerodynamic analysis , Linearized Velocity Potential Theory is used to evaluate the aerodynamic coefficient , and we can get subsonic aerodynamic model of vehicle by Regression Analysis .
According to the characteristics of AUV , the collision field and three-dimensional velocity potential field are built , and the latter is composed of horizontal and vertical velocity potential fields .
This paper firstly analyses the limitations of traditional potential field methods in dynamic environment , and based on this analysis , the traditional potential field is improved by introducing the concept of velocity potential field .
By using the symmetry of three-dimensional flow as the theoretical foundation , stokes stream function can be used to infer the relationship among the streamline , stream function and velocity potential .
In order to analyze the influence of fins , a low-order panel method based on velocity potential was used to predict the steady hydrodynamic performance of a podded propeller with fins .
The accurate velocity potential equation is made discrete by the finite difference scheme ( using central difference scheme in subsonic region and using rotated difference scheme in supersonic region ) in the computational space .
According to the geometric shape of structures , the whole fluid domain is divided into infinite sub-domains firstly , and eigenfunction expansion is used for representing the velocity potential in each domain .
While the added-mass , damping coefficient as well as exciting force and moment are the each coefficient of the lateral coupled equations that Salvesen derived by the section velocity potential .
Using the spectral method presented by [ 1 ] , the diffraction of a solitary wave around large vertical cylinder is investigated by solving the Boussinesq equations which are expressed by depth-averaged velocity potential .
First , the Taylor series about wave elevation function η in the liquid free surface of velocity potential function was derived , and the nonlinear equations of free surface kinetic boundary condition and dynamic boundary condition was gained .
During different periods of Dan , there was great water vapor change as indicated by stream function , velocity potential and vapor budget , which showed the importance of water vapor in the development of typhoon Dan .